Well not quite, but most of their products have been given a good price drop, and it seems that they have opened a
new web store, as their old site went down over a month ago, check out their store here.
Are you one of the few people still on a 286 with now windows installed, well then you're in luck. Jeff Frohwein
of dev'rs has released a small util called GBA FLinker which is a send and backup program for DOS which works with
the GBA Flash Linker as well as Jeff's own cable creation.
You can download the program here.
There has been quite a bit of confusion about the GBA Flash Linker, but let me spell it again for those who did
not get it the first time. No you cannot backup or use GBX (GB/GBC) flash carts with the Advance Flasher. As far as
I know the two types backup hardware are completely different from one another, so you cannot backup or play GBC
games on your GBA linker, so please no more mails with this topic now, just read the review, it explains it aswell.
For those, yes there has been a few, wondering if you can erase your original GBA cartridges and write a new game to them,
the answer is very simple, NO!, why on earth do you think they're called ROM chips as in Read Only Memory?.
06-29-2001 | Hot Potato | BAM Ent. | USA | m7-hotp.zip | 32mbit |
06-28-2001 | Toy Robot Force | Globat A Ent. | Japan | eur-trf-zip | 64mbit |

You can now get a GBA copier even cheaper, UFO has lowered the price to US$101 it seems, meaning they're quite a biot cheaper
than anyone else. Check out their site here.
In case you missed the latest edition of the Nintendo news letter, here's some nifty codes posted in the letter.
The following codes must be entered while holding down the R Button.
Unlock Spider-Man: Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left,
Right, Left, Right, B Button, A Button, Start
while on the Main Menu.
Make Spider-Man's wall rides last a long time:
Press Right, A Button, Down, B Button, A Button,
Start, Down, A Button, Right, Down while on the
Main Menu.
Turn off blood: Press B Button, Left, Up, Down,
Left, Start, Start while on the Main Menu.
Advance the game clock to zero: Press Left, Up,
Start, Up, Right while on the Pause Menu.
Activate disco zoom: Press Left, A Button, Start,
A Button, Right, Start, Right, Up, Start while on
the Pause Menu.
Colorful blood and sparks: Press Start, A Button,
Down, B Button, A Button, Left, Left, A Button,
Down while on the Main Menu.
06-27-2001 | ArmyMen Advance | 3DO | Europe | gwa-amae.zip | 32mbit |
06-27-2001 | Choro Q Advance | Takara | Japan | eur-choq.zip | 32mbit |
06-27-2001 | Yushun Rhapsody | Capcom | Japan | eur-rhap.zip | 64mbit |
ArmyMen Advance is actually the exact same binary as the american release, it has the american header, therefore
categorized as a dupe.

Ubi Soft has made a deal with Capcom to publish their GBA titles in Europe, New Zealand and Australia. The deal sofar is for
7 Capcom games: Super Street Fighter 2X Revival, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Mega Man EXE 1 and 2, Breath of Fire 1 and 2, and
Final Fight One. All titles are scheduled to be released by the end of this year, except Megaman EXE 2 and
Street Fighter Alpha 3, which are out spring 2002.
Source: www.computerandvideogames.com
Latest rumor on the internet is that Sega will release one or more Smash Packs with old Genesis titles on the GBA.
It's said that in the "Ask Sega" section of their official UK magazine, Sega has confirmed that they are making a Genesis
Smash Pack for the AGB. Golden Axe and Streets Of Rage will be at least two titles known to be included on it.
06-26-2001 | F-Zero: Maximum Velocity | Nintendo | Europe | mmn-fzer.zip | 32mbit |
06-25-2001 | Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 (Ger) | Activision | Europe | lfc-th2g.zip | 64mbit |
It has now been confirmed that the European version of Super Mario Advance actually has the US header, so the games really are
identical, I have therefore classified the release as a dupe, same story for the latest release, F-Zero (eur).
More from the rumor mill. Zone of the Enders, Konami's PlayStation 2 hit, is bound for the Game Boy Advance. The handheld
version will be developed by Winkysoft, and will feature a RPG-styled battle system. The game is reportedly due out this
September in Japan.
Source: www.thegia.com
Not exactly GBA, but a review of the PC-Linker by UFO company, a GBX dev-kit which plugs into your PC and directly to
the GBA/GBX and some with a 16mbit cartridge for storing data. Well check out the review here.
Please note that this device will not play GBA games or demos, so do not buy it thinking this is a cheap way to
get to play some homebrewn GBA games or demos.

I've been playing Kuru Kuru Kururin quite a bit the past few days, so here's my save game for you
to checkout, I'm currently at cloud level 2 which is a bit into the game.
06-23-2001 | Tweety & The Magic Gems | Kemco | Europe | eur-tgem.zip | 32mbit |
06-22-2001 | Super Mario Advance (Final?) | Nintendo | Europe | c-smaeur.zip | 32mbit |
06-22-2001 | Rayman Advance (Final?) | UbiSoft | Europe | c-rymneu.zip | 64mbit |
CEZAR managed to release a dupe, good work! Correct me if I am wrong though, but Menace released it quite a while ago. Also, the
Super Mario Advance release has a US header, but it's still not verified from other dumps if European Mario carts actually has this one, if it's
the case, I believe this would be counted as a dupe aswell.

Today was the Scandinavian, well Sweden and Denmark atleast, GBA release day and sales did somewhat ok
according to what I've heard, but no sellouts, heh. Anyway I picked up Kuru Kuru Kururin myself,
so I've scanned the box and added to the box art section.
Kojote has created a small tool to merge multiple NES games with the PocketNES V2 emulator. You can download it here.
Well why don't you check it out here.
06-21-2001 | Top Gear GT Championship | Kemco | Europe | m7-topg.zip | 32mbit |
06-21-2001 | Kuru Kuru Kururin | Nintendo | Europe | m7-kuru.zip | 32mbit |
06-20-2001 | Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis | Nintendo | Japan | eur-taog.zip | 64mbit |

06-18-2001 | Rayman Advance | UbiSoft | USA | c-rymnus.zip | 64mbit |
06-18-2001 | Castlevania: Circle of the... | Konami | USA | c-??????.zip | 64mbit |

I've completely forgotten about this one, but the release list actually exist in a txt version maintained by
Hexadec, you can find it here (http://members.tripod.co.uk/bin4ry/hex-gba.txt)
I've opened a save game section and added a few of my own saves as well as a couple found elsewhere.
You can check it out here.

Capcom will be announcing their next MegaMan game for the Gameboy Advance next week. At the World Hobby Fair in Japan on
June 23rd they will officially announce: Rockman EXE 2, a sequel to the first game, which isn't released in the western
world yet. During the Fair, Capcom will be hosting a competition where attendees can design boss characters for the
sequel (this actually reminds me of the old NES days where Capcom did the very same thing, Ed.). Another happening during
the show is that the company will offer owners of the original Rockman EXE to download extra data onto their cartridge, which
contains an extra character, Forte, for use in the game.
Source: pocket.ign.com
It has been reported that some, if not all, of the Flash Linker Advance (AGB Xchangers) with a orange sticker on the linker
has reversed polarity, which means that centre of the powersupply has to be positive and not negative as it says in the
manual at visoly's site. This reversed polarity is only reported for those linkers with orange stickers though, those with
white and blue use the "normal" negative centre polarity. I've rewritten my review a bit, you can check it out

Two releases by someone called Jurai appeared on the net this evening. These were said to be correct dumps of the games,
meaning to 64mbit gamaes which actually was 32mbit. But these weren't new dumps but just resized old releases. I will not
replace the old releases on my release list, and hope this resizing stunt doesn't become a trend. The two
games I'm talking about are the US versions of Krazy Racers and Dodgeball.
The UFO Company today spread the word that they had picked up a veryu limited shipment of old Bung GBC copier, the GBXchanger,
and will be selling them for $120 incl. a 64mbit cartridge and shipping anywhere in the world, please visit their
site (www.cd64.com) for more details.
06-15-2001 | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Rd. 2 | Midway | Europe | lfc-r2m.zip | 32mbit |
06-15-2001 | Konami Krazy Racers | Konami | Europe | c-krrceu.zip | 32mbit |

Nintendo earlier announced that they could not be found at this years ECTS in London, instead they would host their
own show, still in London though and around the same time as ECTS is being held. The date is now set, the weekend
of September 1 and 2, ECTS starts on the 2.
The show will be held at Westminster Central Hall in the heart of London, while ECTS is held in the London ExCEL
in the docklands. The Nintendo show has been split in two, sort of, attendance on Saturday will be for people
receiving a special invitation from Nintendo and "will feature a strategic presentation and Q&A session,
followed by pure gameplay". Sunday will be open to anyone who has an ECTS 2001 pass, see you there? :)
Source: www.ctw.co.uk
As if they haven't done enough damage already with their filthy games, it has announced, although not by Sega, that
Phantasy Star is in the works for the Gameboy Advance. The GBA game(s) will be based on, or possibly a direct port of,
previous titles in this series look. (insert cursing here!). Anyway I've added Phantasy Star to my release list.

Thanks a lot for the response about my review and the matter of crashing games on the Flash Linker Advance. One mail was
especially interesting, sent by someone who goes under the name "Rezabelady":
I just read your review of the Flash Linker for the GBA and i noticed that you said
the following..
"I have heard about people claiming having faulty Flash Linker Advance' cartridges. I
cannot say if there actually is a lot of faulty carts, but mine worked the first time,
without any trouble at all, no crashes, nothing."
I also received my Flash Linker Advance & 64M cart this (yesterday!) morning and didn't have
any problems until i tried to load two 32M carts at once - it seems that some combinations
of 32M games won't load (they are too large), but not only that - in particular games (ones
which are a bit more action intensive it seems) the GBA locks up and you have to reset.
I thought this was something to do with the Multi-ROM support rather than a fault but as
you have not had any problems i am less sure.
To attempt to reproduce this 'crash' you could try the following... If you have access to a
Konami Wai Wai Racing or Chu Chu Rocket ROM and something such as Kuru Kuru Kururin or
Mr Driller also (it does not seem possible to load Wai Wai and Chu Chu together) then load
one of each into a multirom and then attempt to play one of the first two (Wai Wai/Chu Chu) -
Wai Wai crashes when you attempt to participate in a GP race (usually partway into the race),
while Chu Chu does the same when the rocket is about to launch (quickly play a puzzle game to do this).
I have subsequently found that when Chu Chu Rocket crashes in this way, you cannot re-enter it by
just turning the GBA off and then on again as normal - you have to re-flash it over again.
I ofcourse also tested the multi-game feature, and it worked quite fine with the 4 different games I used, however
it was none of the ones mentionend above. So I ofcourse tested my unit with the games above, and actually got a slightly
differen't result than the sender of the mail.
It is indeed not possible to load Wai Wai Racing and Chu Chu Rocket onto the same cartridge, I then tried to load
Wai Racing along with Kuru Kuru Kururin as well as Wai Wai Racing with Mr. Driller 2 and all games worked perfectly,
I played an entire Grand Prix in Wai Wai Racing, no crashes at all.
However when Chu Chu Rocket was loaded along with Mr. Driller 2, I wasn't able to select Chu Chu Rocket, nothing happened
when it was selected on the menu. Mr. Driller 2 would work if I didn't try to select Chu Chu Rocket first, a simple
power off and on again and I was able to select and play Mr. Driller 2. Exact Same thing happened with Chu Chu Rocket
and Kuru Kuru Kururin.
I would like to hear from more people who has a Flash Linker Advance, and if they get the same crashes as the writer of
the email or works just like mine.

The Gameboy Advance is finally out in the western world as it was released in the US today, while Europe still has to wait
11 days, some only 10 though as the GBA is released 1 day earlier in Scandinavia. today was also the day 64scener received
it's Advance Linker and I have been checking out almost every demo now :)
I have updated my release list with some new European release dates as well as moved all the US releases to the "released"
part of the page. You can check it out here.
Only been in my hands for a few hours, I've already taken it for a good test, click here to read my review.
Note that this demo does not run on the real hardware.

You can find more trainers here.
www.computerandvideogames.com, an english videogam magazine, have been searching the net for those nasty emulators and roms,
and it worried them a lot, so they decided to contact Nintendo about the matter. Anyway the two stories, the initial post and
the reply from Nintendo, are quite hilarious. I'm a regular reader of the online C&VG , but seriously, this good guys crap just
makes me laugh. Anyway Check them out here.
Maybe that'll teach you not to copy Nintendo games, naughty boy!!
Datel has finished their next generation of cheat devices for handheld videogames, they gimmick is called Action Replay GBX
and will most likely be released in the US as GameShark Advance or something is that direction, by InterAct. the following was
taken from Datel's sales site.
Datel is proud to present Action Replay GBX, the incredible all-in-one gaming solution for Game Boy Advance.
Take control of your games collection by arming yourself with infinite lives, ammunition, health – and much more!
Action Replay GBX comes preloaded with tons of cheats for all your favourite Game Boy Advance games. Even the toughest
games are no match for you once you're armed with Action Replay GBX!
Using Action Replay GBX is a piece of cake. The cartridge simply slots into the back of your Game Boy Advance. Plug in any
Game Boy Advance game, and get ready to show ‘em who’s boss.
Just bought a brand new game? No problem! You’ll find the very latest Action Replay codes in GBX Magazine,
on www.codejunkies.com, or by calling the Codejunkies hotline on 09064 77 44 77 (open 24 hours a day, calls cost
60p per minute). You can enter new codes quickly and easily.
Action Replay GBX also comes with an optional Code Link feature. Using your PC you can connect your Game Boy Advance to
the internet and download the latest cheat codes direct to your Action Replay GBX cartridge!
So what are you waiting for? Put the power in your hands today with Action Replay GBX, the ultimate cheat cartridge for
Game Boy Advance!
The Action Replay GBX will be available sometime in July retailing at £19.99
06-08-2001 | Fire Pro Wrestling | BAM Ent. | USA | m7-fprow.zip | 64mbit |
06-08-2001 | F-Zero Maximum Velocity | Nintendo | USA | m7-fzero.zip | 32mbit |
06-08-2001 | Super Dodgeball Advance | Atlus | USA | m7-dodge.zip | 64mbit |
06-08-2001 | Army Men Advance | 3DO | USA | eur-army.zip | 32mbit |
06-08-2001 | Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure | Majesco | USA | m7-pfall.zip | 32mbit |
06-08-2001 | Earthworm Jim | Majesco | USA | m7-ewjim.zip | 64mbit |
06-07-2001 | Chu Chu Rocket | Sega | USA | tc-chu.zip | 32mbit |
06-07-2001 | Namco Museum Advance | Namco | USA | tc-namco.zip | 32mbit |
06-07-2001 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 | Activision | USA | tc-thwk2.zip | 64mbit |
06-07-2001 | GT Advance Champ. Racing | THQ | USA | tc-gtacr.zip | 64mbit |

Pre-orders of the Advance Flash Linker, and 64mbit cartridge, up to June 3rd have been shipped by LikSang today. All orders
from the 3rd and up will be shipped when the 2nd batch of copiers arrives June 18th, although LikSang expect the unit to
be sold out within the next days. So if you're planning on getting one soon, maybe you should pre-order today?
06-06-2001 | Castlevania: Circle of the... | Konami | Europe | eur-cvus.zip | 64mbit |
06-06-2001 | Konami Krazy Racers | Konami | USA | mnc-kkrc.zip | 64mbit |
06-06-2001 | Rayman Advance | Ubi Soft | Europe | mnc-raya.zip | 64mbit |
06-04-2001 | Ready 2 Rumble Boxing 2 | Midway | USA | eur-rr2.zip | 32mbit |
06-04-2001 | Pinobee: Wings of Adventure | Activision | USA | eur-pino.zip | 64mbit |
San Francisco - May 21, 2001 - Ubi Soft Entertainment has announced plans to publish seven Game Boy Advance titles this
year, placing the company at the forefront of publishers offering products on the new system this year. The much-awaited
Rayman® ; Advance™ will be available as soon as the console is launched: June 11 in the United States and June 22 in Europe.
Many other titles will also be released over the following months. Games to be launched in Europe include Men in Black by
the end of 2001 and Tom and Jerry:The Magic Ring by the end of 2002. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six™: Rogue Spear™, Batman™:
Vengeance and Bonx will hit the market on both sides of the Atlantic by the end of 2001. Ubi Soft will also develop and
publish three Codemasters games: Colin McRae Rally 2.0, Mike Tyson Boxing and TOCA World Touring Cars. All three will be
launched in the first quarter of 2002.
With 1.5 million units sold the month it was launched in Japan, Game Boy Advance holds a great deal of promise.
Nintendo projects that it will sell 24 million consoles throughout the world in fiscal year 2001-2002 alone. The console
should allow Ubi Soft to increase brand awareness among a very wide audience. This portable console offers a quality of
display and game play that is close to that of a living room console.
Similarly, the agreement entered into with the British publisher, Codemasters, enhances the Ubi Soft product line on
Game Boy Advance. According to Michael Hayes, Codemasters' international marketing director, "Colin McRae Rally,
Mike Tyson Boxing and TOCA World Touring Cars represent some of the best-selling brands in their categories and we are
delighted to be working with Ubi Soft to bring these globally recognized titles to Game Boy Advance. We have every
confidence that Ubi Soft's team will be able to maximize the potential and deliver supremely playable editions for
this exciting new handheld format."
Rob Cooper, Ubi Soft managing director for Northern Europe and Australia, observes that "this is a key deal for Ubi Soft.
Thanks to the combination of these strong Codemasters brands with the proven quality of the developers and the sheer
excellence of the Game Boy Advance console, the deal has huge potential."
Tried having a board hosted by a commercial company once, which unfortunately didn't have much success, but here's another
try, hosted and maintained by ourselves :)
Click here to check out the forum.

THQ has released the European boxart for GT Advance Championship Racing, so I've added it to my boxart page.
THQ recently posted a few screenshots on their press site, along with an unapproved version
of the box art. The game honestly doesn't look impressive at all, visible that is, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what
THQ is able to come up with, just another mainstrean movie license title?
Eventhough the N64 is nearly history, with only 1 game release left in the US, and the N64 scene is somewhat dead, actually
have been for nearly half a year now. A few people still work on N64 related stuff, such as these tranlations.
As a part of the deal with Parodius, we agreed not to host the cracks here, I've registered 64scener.tripod.com and
the cracks are now hosted there, you will be directed there when you hit the "cracks" link.
I've had a lot of guides sitting in the online 64scener directory, but never got around to making the HTML somehow, anyway
here it is.

LikSang has reported that the Advance Flash Linker, which was supposed to be released on May 31st, is delayed. The new
release date set on their site says June 7th. However due to limited shipments, only pre-orders up to 1st of June will be
shipped on June 7th, newer orderes will be shipped on the 18th. Following is taken from the LikSang newsletter:
The first professional GBA home development unit is going to be released
within the next couple of days. Due to the limited production quantity of
the manufacturer and the high demand from official (!) GBA software
development companies the first production has been sold out today (June
1st)! Should you have placed your order before, don't worry, we will take
care of your order.
New orders are scheduled to be shipped out at about 18th of June. The
product is therefore on back-order now with an updated 'release' date of
18.06.2001. Please place your orders by now if you still haven't done so,
then we should be able to ensure you are part of the second
delivery/production. The delivery of the preorders we have received
up-to-day will start to ship by Thursday next week.
The Flash Card 64M Advance, as well as the upcoming 128M cards, does have
a built-in multigame function and SRAM 'manager' which allows saving up to
64K (+32K!) for each game in a separate memory bank. The Flash Card 64M
Advance does come with 1M SRAM (128K), and the Flash Card 128M Advance
comes with 2M (256K) SRAM.
The Flash Card 128M Advance is announced for late summer, which is still a
couple of month. It will come with both, SRAM and EEPROM memory. We will
post further information such as price and detailed release date as soon
as we do receive more information from the manufacturers side.

The UFO company, known for their CD64 and GameJack copiers, today announced that they will be releasing a GBA copier
just a few days from now, on 4th June to be exact. The Xchancer comes with a 64mbit cartridge and will only work
with the Gameboy Advance, meaning only GBA games can be used.
Here's what UFO wrote:
AGB-Xchanger allows data to be transferred back and forth to
AGB-Card and PC , To transfer data into the Flash Advance, the only
requirements are the Flash Advance Xchanger, PC, cable and our
customized software. (for GBA). The transfer date included Rom program
and save data.
- High speed printer port connection
- Can be used with 4 AA standard batteries
- Cool transparent design
- For Gameboy Advance only (cannot be used with GB Color)
- Can be used with a standard 9V power supply
- Tons of free Software available, for Gameboy Advance and for PC
- Download and upload game saves into/from your original Game Cartridges
- GBA card allow you to emulate the Rom program.
- 64MBit
- For Gameboy Advance only (cannot be used for GB Color)
- Rewriteable Flashcard
Wait !!! Think !!! Before you buy.
- It only compatible with AGB, CANNOT backward compatible with CGB & GB ( black&white ).
- It can play all the exist game EXCEPT Mario.
- Price -- US$135 included shipping worldwide by EMS ( customer can receive it within 3-5 days ).
- Manu factor - actually it is a join venture product between a famous company in HK and Us.
One can only guess what company this is, maybe the remains of what once was Bung? Anyway's we would love to
review it here, but limited funds will prevent us from doing it, right now atleast.
However UFO have granted us a copy of their PC-Linker unit, be sure to check out the review here soon, for more info
about both the AGB Xchanger and the PC-Linker, check UFO's website here.
On a side note, this unit is actually a bit cheaper than the one sold by Visoly, while LikSang charges $155 for the
Flash Linker incl. shipping, the UFO AGB Xchanger is only $135 shipped.
05-30-2001 | Iridion 3-D | Majesco | USA | eur-ir3d.zip | 32mbit |