Well here it is folks! Proof that N64 WILL BLOW THE COMPETITION AWAY!!!!!!
These screen-shots should be
Ok now below are a selection of the BEST screen-shots I could find. And guess what I am doing for you? I will be updating this page every time I find a new screen-shot!! Just choose
one of the games below and a selection of screen-shots will appear fo that particular game.
The Games
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Kart-R
Killer Instinct 64
Pilotwings 64
Shadows of the Empire
Turok the Dinosaur Hunter
Wave Race 64
Starfox 64
Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey
Miscelanious Shots
Super Mario 64
Mario standing facing a mountain.
Mario on a balcony looking down into a ghosthouse below.
Mario in a ghosthouse.
Mario sliding down a ice ramp with a penguin.
Mario swiming near an eel.
Mario swiming near a sting ray.
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Super Mario Kart-R
A race in a ghosthouse.
A race through a canyon.
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Killer Instinct 64
Kim vs. Tusk
Fulgore vs. Saberwulf
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Pilotwings 64
Jetpacking infront of the Twin Towers.
Gyrocoptering infront of....Mt. Rushmore?
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Shadows of the Empire
A Trooper
A Robot
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Turok the Dinosaur Hunter
Turok fighting a dinosaur.
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Wave Race 64
A race on the water.
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Starfox 64
Fox McCloud destroying a robot.
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Wayne Gretzky NHL Hockey
A shot of the line change screen.
Another shot of the line change screen.
He's looking for the goal!
Someone's going for the steal!
A closeup of the players.
We got a view from the ariel cam!
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Miscelanious Shots
An early picture of the "64DD"
An early picture of a "64DD" disk
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