Here's some new release dates, taken from, for the games I bet we all are waiting
Banjo-Tooie – August 28 (repositioned from its original July 23 release)
Conker’s Bad Fur Day – December 4 (just in time for the holidays!)
Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask – November 20
Mario Paper – September 26
No I'm not there myself, unfortunately, but here's some news I've picked up.
Midway canned Stunt Racer 64: Midway has officially taken the game created by
Boss Studios off their release list. The reason given is a missed delivery date from
Boss Studios. This might mean that we never will get to play this racer, which looks
quite F-Zero'ish and cool, but Boss is currently looking for a new distributor for
the game.
This may be another bad move by Midway who surely havent had a lot of luck with their
part of the N64 releases. They did get a bit of success with SF Rush, but honestly, it wasnt
a kickass game. And they cant understand why they arent selling as many games as they want
to, well try learning a bit about quality first. :)
Mickey's Racing looks like it could be a new N64 racer at the same standard as Mario
Kart and Diddy Kong Racing, and its ofcourse made by rare. Worth the wait, definately.
Hype - The Time Quest has been under development for a very long time, but it now
looks like Ubi Soft has canned the N64 version of the Playmobile adventure as its nolonger
displayed on their release lists. GBC and PSX owners can look forward to be playing the
game on those systems though. I will try to get some more info about this game from Ubi, but
I bet they dont feel like talking much.

Conker rewraped and the new game looks pretty much like a hardcore version of
Banjo-Kazooie, unlike the old version which looked very lame, first gen. graphics and
a story which sure didnt meet the Rareware standards.
Another F1 game by Ubi Soft and we dont need it, nuff said.
Donald Duck 64 is in the works at Ubi Soft, not much is known about the game style yet,
may we're getting a bad platformer?
Scooby Doo: Classic Creep Capers is being developed by the hardcore THQ staff, blah,
and I know we'll get a great game from the company which always has been known for the
incredible quality games, or lack there of.
Indiana Jones is comming to the N64 and the game is being created by Lucas Arts and
Factor 5. I believe this will be one of the titles which will be worth waiting for, it has
some very clear and nice graphics, boosted by the exp. pack, and if the gameplay is just
as great then this game will be a killer. Lucas Arts is known for making some great adventure
games in the past, and I doubt things will go wrong this time.

Do you need some new porn for your collection then do download this slideshow of nude's
by CALi. Honestly its lame as hell and I wouldnt wanna bother really, though he's working
on a Pong game for the N64 which might be interesting if it reached the same hights as that
kickass commercial PSX Pong release.
Click here to download the Kings of Porn demo.