Honestly I've never been into Golf at all, not in real life atleast, too much walking I guess.
Anyway I did enjoy Golf on the Gameboy which was released back in 19-something and when I
the other day saw Mario Golf for the N64 on sale, I decided to check it out, btw the price
was $24 so it was actually half price woohoo.
Well I got home and threw the cartridge into the N64 gameslot and hit the power button, and
woop(!) a giantic N cube appeared, followed by Nintendo and Camelot's logos, hrmm an usual
start up. Finally the titlescreen appeared and shortly after a demo of the game began, introducing
the characters in the game. Oddly enough they all walk around on a golf course playing golf,
hmmm, and at one time Mario discovers this golf ball with his very own head drawn on it and
screams out "Itttsaaaaa meeee", ok relax now pizza dude.
What most people do now is hit the start button, and so did I. A menu pops up on the screen,
letting you choose from 1 to 4 players, since I'm only 1 player I choose "1 player". Another
menu appears and lets you select between 4 characters, Plum, Peach, Charlie and Baby Mario. The
game has a total of 18 characters, but if you want the other 14 you need to "earn" them by
playing a game called "Get Character". Besides "get character" you can choose between a range
of other games, a tournament, training, stroke, speed golf, ring shot and mini golf, yeah thats
right the game has a mini golf game built-in, however the courses are very dull as they're
only formed as numbers and letters, no fancy windmills to shoot at or anything, grr!
The tournament game consists of different courses, sofar I've opened three, each with 18 holes.
Each character in the has its very own stats, some good and most bad, but Baby Mario wont let
you down, you can be sure of that and just look at his cocky "hrmmmmf" when he gets a bogey, haha
huge fun.
Honestly, its the tournament and the get character game which are fun, the rest of the game is really
dull and shouldnt have been put in the game at all, now if only they had put a little more
effort into that mini-golf game then I bet it would've been a killer.
The graphics are very cute and typical Mario graphics. The sounds follows the graphics and
never becomes "too much" and you then have to turn down the volume. The gameplay is there and
will be for a long time because of the changing courses, you never hit the same stroke again
as well as it takes a long time to learn each course.
Eventhough you might not be into golf at all, I suggest you check out Mario Golf anyway, its
huge fun and one of the best N64 games I've ever played! Now if you'll let me go back to playing.