Not much to expect from the American market atleast, since nothing is scheduled for release atm, but who knows
something might get released since they change the dates all the time. However in Japan will the second
N64 Zelda quest be released at the end of the month, but I believe thats about the only release to look
forward to.
March went with 28 releases, top month sofar this year, and it even presented a couple of kickass
titles such as Top Gear Hyper Bike, eventhough ign64.com claimed its nothing special (those friggin'
jerks) it's still the best damn N64 moto-racer, yet. Another release worth mentioning is Kirby who
finally makes "it's" debut on the N64, not counting Smash Bros.
A title which dissapointed a bit tho was Hydro Thunder. Midway was going on about how great their
N64 version of Hydro was going to be, before its release, and how it would be at the same standard
as the Dreamcast version, maybe even a little better. I've never played the DC version of Hydro Thunder,
but if the N64 is supposed to be better, the DC version must be total crap.
Star Craft 64 finally got a full version release in Europe, remember the US beta version from September?,
although while the beta didnt require a special type of cart to save, could you save at all?, the full
version requires a cartridge with flashRAM to save, such as Jet Force Gemini or Command & Conquer.
March was also the month where the MIA (missing in action) list of undumped games got heavily reduced,
no less than 8 games went off the list, impressive. Team Menace got the most releases of March, a total
of 10 releases! Good work! High Soceity was close to beating Menace, HS got 8 releases this month. The
Corporation managed to get in 4th place in the race, only 3 releases, they also got beaten by NIL which
had 4 releases this month. Also a gretting to Lightforce with their release, which was my favourite
game this month... yeap! Top Gear Hyper Bike! :)
Finally the scene got a few new homebrewn thingies this month, first a couple of demos by the Noisy Boyz
Crew and later two nice emulators, of the MSX2 and GameGear, by Jos Kwanten. I know for sure that these
arent the last emulators which get a N64 release, I've heard rumors of atleast 3 more, one being an
arcade emulator, e'nuff said ;)
03-31-2000 | Bio Hazard 2 | Capcom | Japan | hs-bio2j.zip | 512mbit |
03-29-2000 | All-Star Baseball 2001 | Acclaim | USA | mnc-ab01.zip | 128mbit |
03-29-2000 | Battlezone: ROTBD | Crave Ent. | USA | mnc-bzne.zip | 128mbit |
03-29-2000 | Hoshi no Kirby 64 | Nintendo | Japan | mnc-krby.zip | 256mbit |
03-29-2000 | Shadowgate 64 | Konami | Japan | hs-swgtj.zip | 128mbit |
03-29-2000 | Lode Runner 3D | Banpresto | Japan | hs-lrdj.zip | 64mbit |
03-29-2000 | Extreme-G 2 | Acclaim | Japan | hs-xg2j.zip | 96mbit |
03-29-2000 | Custom Robo | Nintendo | Japan | mnc-crbo.zip | 128mbit |
03-29-2000 | Beetle Adventure Racing | EA | Japan | hs-barj.zip | ?mbit |
03-25-2000 | Star Wars EP1: Pod Racer | Lucas Arts | Japan | hs-sw1pj.zip | 256mbit |
03-24-2000 | StarCraft 64 | Blizzard | Europe | mnc-sc64.zip | 256mbit |
03-24-2000 | Pokemon Stadium | Nintendo | Europe | tc-pokep.zip | 256mbit |
03-24-2000 | Tony Hawks Pro Skater | Activision | Europe | nil-tony.zip | 96mbit |
03-23-2000 | Top Gear Hyper Bike | Kemco | USA | mnc-tghb.zip | 128mbit |
03-23-2000 | Top Gear Hyper Bike | Kemco | Europe | lfc-tghb.zip | 128mbit |
03-23-2000 | Worms Armageddon | Infogrames | USA | mnc-worm.zip | 128mbit |
03-16-2000 | Cyber Tiger | EA | USA | mnc-ctgr.zip | 128mbit |
03-15-2000 | Tony Hawks Pro Skater | Activision | USA | mnc-thps.zip | 96mbit |
03-10-2000 | Gex 3: Deep Cover.. (Multi) | Eidos | Europe | hs-g3dcg.zip | 256mbit |
03-10-2000 | Nuclear Strike 64 (Eng) | EA | Europe | hs-ns64.zip | 256mbit |
03-08-2000 | Paperboy 64 | Midway | Europe | rr2k-pby.zip | 64mbit |
03-07-2000 | Gex 3: Deep Cover... (Ger) | Eidos | Europe | nil-gex3.zip | 256mbit |
03-07-2000 | Castlevania: Legacy of D... | Konami | Europe | mnc-clod.zip | 128mbit |
03-03-2000 | J. McGrath Supercross 2K | Acclaim | Europe | hs-jms2k.zip | 256mbit |
03-03-2000 | Nuclear Strike 64 | EA | Europe | nil-ns64.zip | 512mbit |
03-03-2000 | South Park Rally | Acclaim | Europe | tc-sprp.zip | 128mbit |
03-02-2000 | ECW Hardcore Revolution | Acclaim | Europe | nil-????.zip | 256mbit |
03-01-2000 | Hydro Thunder 64 | Midway | USA | tc-hydro.zip | 224mbit |
04-01-2000 | Shigesato Itoi's Bass Fishing | - | Japan | hs-bassj.zip | 128mbit |
03-31-2000 | Bio Hazard 2 | Capcom | Japan | hs-bio2j.zip | 512mbit |
Michael Searl has sent me a game he has created. It's a puzzle like the old ones where slide parts
of a disordered picture around to create a normal picture. the only dissadvantages about his game is that
you can move the pieces in every possible way, not just horizontical and vertical, plus it doesnt
switch to a new picture once you've completed a picture. The game is 80mbit which is quite a lot, but
unless you're on a 33.6kbps modem it's worth checking out.

Click here to download. (Warning! 9MB!)