


Review by Acey


Title Wetrix
Publisher Ocean
Developer Zedtwo
Type Puzzle
Size 64mbit
Rel. date NA.NA.1998 (USA)
NA.NA.1998 (Europe)
NA.NA.1998 (Japan)

1 or 2 Players

(5 of 123 pages)




Click here to go to the Wetrix Dexdrive page.

Wetrix is made by the UK based company Zedtwo, who have had a few other N64 titles in the works, however most have been scrapped or res-scheduled, we sould soon be getting Taz Mania. Anyway Wetrix is a puzzle much like Tetris, a 3D'ish Tetris?

You have a 3D world where blocks are falling from the top of the screen and you're supposed to form one or more "lakes" in order to trap rain and water pieces, if enough water falls over the edge of the map, you will loose the game. It may sound simple, but it doesnt take long before you have to be place blocks fast hope for a fireball, which will remove all water in the lake it lands in, unless the water is frozen that is, cause you can also get an ice cube which will freeze the water for short period and prevent it from floating over the edge.

But to make the game more difficult, the programmers also invented a bomb which will blow a hole in the landscape, so it might be a good idea to make a corner of the map solid so that the water wont fall off the edge of the map and make you loose pretty quick, and if the bomb falls into an existing hole it'll trigger a massive bombing of your landscape leaving nothing but "Game Over" on the screen, you have been warned :)

To make the whole thing even harder an earthquake will apear, blowing everything into pieces and if you've got lot of water stored it'll mean sutten death unless you act quickly. The reason for Earthquakes is that there's such a weight on the landscape that it becomes unstable and the Earthquake-meter rises, maybe it's time to pray for a bomb huh?

When your lakes gets a certain depth, rubber ducky's "quacking" will appear, the deeper a lake you've got the more duckys you'll get. Every object in Wetrix has it's own name, such as Derrick the rubber ducky or QB the Ice Cube.

The game has quite a few different types of play:

Classic; the beasics, you need to build lakes and keep the water on the landscape, the level increases every few minutes making the game harder and harder.

Pro; An "expert" version of the Classic.

Practice; Learn how to play Wetrix.

Challenge; the following challenges are available, 1 minute challenge (make as many points as possible within one minute), 5 minutes challenge (same as before, you've got five minutes now though), 100 pieces challenge (within 100 pieces you need to get the highest score as possible), 500 pieces challenge (same as before, but you've now got 500 pieces), preset sequence A (pieces fall in a preset sequence), preset sequence B (same as before, but you start off at level six).

Handicap; Choose between the following handicaps, raised land A and B, ice layer A and B, random land, random holes and half full drain.

Multiplay; the 2 player "head to head" version of Wetrix, the screen is split in two.

Wetrix is a quite nice game which will keep puzzle lover busy for awhile, but still, it's not tetris and who even says it was supposed to be? the name maybe? I dunno, but I do know that its a good addition to Tetris, plus you can get Wetrix on most platforms by now.

Graphic and sounds are nothing special, but if you've got a great game idea, it doesnt need great graphics and sounds (Remember the Atari 2600? ugh). If you live in either Denmark or the UK I know that you can pick up Wetrix at £10 or so, which imo is quite cheap, so there's no reason not to give this game a try, oh yeah and try to beat my high-score: 60,204 (code: tbcphghfgrtpqgrn) heh. You can also download my Wetrix scores from the Dexdrive page.

Overall: 80%
Final note: Definately worth a shot, and I've used lots of hours playing Wertix, however it cant compete with Tetris.