


Review by Acey

Title DexDrive
Publisher InterAct
Developer UFO Company
Type MemoryPak Backup


The DexPlorer Software

Ever been affraid of loosing your save point, which have taken your weeks to reach, because your Controller Pak is one of those unlicensed HongKong products, or just wanted to show off to one of your friends by giving him/her your highscores.

Well with this thingy called DexDrive you're now able to transfer, or as InterAct puts it, a communication bridge between your multimedia PC and N64 game console. But it still just transfers Controller Pak saves to your PC, if you have one that is, but then again you probably have else you wouldnt be reading this. Anyway its a tiny black/blue box with a hole in the top where, surprise surprise, the Controller Pak is inserted.

The unit has to be connected to a 9 pin CON/Serial port on the back of your computer, so if yours is a 25 pin one you need to get an adaptor, I did anyway. The System requirements claim that you need atleast a Pentium prosessor, but I believe that as long as your able to run Windows95/98 you can use this gizmo. A 12volt input comes with the DexDrive, but I have yet to find out what to use it for than a doorstop, cause my Dex works perfectly without the powersupply. If you have any bright ideas of what to use the powersupply for then please do send us an e-mail.

To be able to operate the DexDrive you need some sort of program which fortunately is sold with the unit, quite clever InterAct. The Program is called DexPlorer and once it's installed its very easy to operate as you just drag from the Controller Pak (left window), which ofcourse has to be inserted into the DexDrive, and then drop it in the PC part of the DexPlorer (right window). A DexDrive file can include as many files as you please, I believe, but if you wanna trade or upload to the official DexDrive site then you might wanna just include 1 game per file, nothing stops you from doing otherwise tho.

It's actually a pretty nice accessory, and made by a console copier company too. Yeap, the UFO Company, responsible for the worst N64 copier ever called CD64, is also responsible for this unit. I opened up my Dex yesterday and it looks very cheapo made, but the design is actually quite nice, nothing near the CD64 but well InterAct probably did the design themselves.

It's said that it will operate with most controller paks which I find odd, 2 of the 5 different packs, where one is the original and another is InterAct's own 1meg pak, it only worked with 3 of them. It ofcourse worked without any problems with InterActs own and the official pak from Nintendo and didnt complain about a 256kbit pak from Guillemot either. But it didnt like my X-Play Rumble & 1meg controller pak in one and a Gamester 1meg pak, it felt a need to format them over and over, also if you insert a Rumblepak it wants to format that too, hmmmm.

Else it's pretty cool to be able to change saves over the net, like getting highscores from others and then ofcourse beat them and send the save back with a big HAH! erh.

The DexDrive is available both in the US and Europe, although it seems that the European release was quite silent, not a lot of advertising? Atleast not here in Denmark, but then again I found mine in Germany and never seen one on sale here, which probably explains it. The price is $19.99 at www.ebworld.com msrp is $39.99, which is what I paied in Germany. So get one from ebworld even if you live in Europe.

For DexDrive saves, check out our DexDrive page here, or click at DexDrive Saves in the menu bar at the top of the page. Ummm and feel free to contribute saves :)