Official USA Distributor for Mr. Backup Z64

Z64 Side View Mr. Backup (Z64) Information

Attention: Due to low demand, we have ceased the sales of Z64. We do not provide Z64 sales or support anymore. All information here is provided as is. Please do not write or call to ask about buying Z64. At this time we do not know if there is a dealer in the USA. We also no longer sell VBox or GBXchanger products. The last official BIOS 2.16 (click to download) is here. Click HERE to learn about its features.
- September, 2001

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Mr. Backup Z64 is an unique enhancement devices for the Nintendo 64© game console systems. Z64 is the best backup tool for your Nintendo 64© (N64) game cartridges. Play the backup versions and store away original cartridges to protect investment!

Additionally, Z64 is possibly the cheapest and easiest N64 development device available today. Z64 connects to the Nintendo 64© system via game cartridge socket. It allows you to backup game cartridges to internal ZIP© drive as game image files for playback later. You can enjoy the fun of game cartridges while insure your investment with the availability of backups. (It is a good practice to backup game cartridges when they are newly purchased.) Z64 also allows you to develop N64 software on your PC and then easily test your codes via Z64. Additionally, Z64 lets you save and modify game records (which are stored on ZIP diskette) to enhance game play and add special game features.

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Copyright© 2000 Software Ideas, Inc./Elegant Products, Inc.
1421 Hutton Drive
Carrollton, Texas 75006

z64@softidea.com | Questions |

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