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This is where you can find up to date info and news on the Nintendo 64!

August 30, 1996

  • If you want to get your hands on a N64 machine, you can pre-order now at Toys "R" Us
  • 600,000 systems are being shipped on the 29 of September-1.4 Million by March, but still Nintendo fears shortages
  • As it stands now the Nintendo 64 is being released on September 29, 1996
  • In a few days in Japan, Nintendo will reach the 1 million milestone by selling 1 Million Nintendo 64 units
  • If you live in the U.S. hurry yo your nearest Toys "R" US because a U.S. English version of Nintendo 64 is playable with Mario 64
  • Begining in October, Nintendo is running a sweepstakes with Kellogg's "ONE IN 64 WINS"
  • And, until November 4 there will be only be 2 available titles-To see the list of official titles and their release dates click here
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