

parallel_port.JPG (97244 bytes)

The parallel port adaptor is allow the user to communicate ( upload & download ) between CD64 ( I/O port)  & PC ( parallel port / printer port ).

Using CD64COMM.EXE and PRO. COMMS LINK CARD to link up the CD64 with a PC:

Install the PRO. COMMS LINK CARD into a PC, and connect it to the CD64 with
the special comms link cable. Copy the CD64COMM.EXE and DOS4GW.EXE into the
C:\N64 directory. Type CD64COMM.EXE at the DOS prompt and follow the on screen
prompts. If the communication fails, have a look at the Trouble Shooting section
of this manual.

Using CD64COMM.EXE and Parallel Port Adaptor at PC ECP PRINTER PORT 1 (LPT1)
to link up with the CD64:

Install the Parallel Port Adaptor at PC ECP PRINTER PORT 1 (LPT1), and connect
it to the CD64 with a parallel cable. Copy the CD64COMM.EXE and DOS4GE.EXE into
the C:\N64 directory. Type CD64COMM.EXE at the DOS prompt and follow the on screen
prompts. If the communication fails, have a look at the Trouble Shooting section
of this manual.

Optimizing your PC:

To get the best performance with the Comms software you may wish to try the

1. The comms software uses disk access a lot, a disk cache will speed this
process up considerably. Ensure you have some form of disk cache running.
If in DOS mode (i.e. Not in a Windows DOS shell) then install SMARTDRIVE.
If you are in Windows 95 then you will find a disk cache is already on.

2. If in Windows, run the CD64COMM.EXE program at full screen and not in a
window. Although the program does work perfectly OK in a window it is
considerably faster at full screen.

3. Ensure your ISA bus speed is set to its fastest in your machines BIOS.
(Some machines do not have this setting).

For Pro-comm Link Card   
For Parallel Port Adaptor

Type the following command line at dos prompts at C:\N64 directory:

1. Download file GAME.BIN to CD64 DRAM ADDRESS and IO port 310.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p310 -t -fgame.bin -sb4000000

2. Download file GAME.BIN to CD64 DRAM ADDRESS and IO port 310 and execute it.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p310 -x -fgame.bin -sb4000000

3. Grab file GAME.BIN from CD64 CARD ADDRESS length 0x800000 and IO port 310.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p310 -g -fgame.bin -sb2000000 -l800000

4. Download file GAME.BIN to CD64 DRAM ADDRESS and using Parallel Port Adaptor
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -t -fgame.bin -sb4000000

5. Download file GAME.BIN to CD64 DRAM ADDRESS and using Parallel Port Adaptor
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -x -fgame.bin -sb4000000

6. Grab file GAME.BIN from CD64 CARD ADDRESS length 0x800000 and using Parallel
Port Adaptor at ECP PRINTER PORT 1 (LPT1).
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -g -fgame.bin -sb2000000 -l800000

7. Dump system memory from N64 to file.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -d -fTEST.BIN -s80000400 -l100000

8. download BOOT EMULATOR to N64 and play uncracked game in CD64.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -b -fTEST.BIN -s80300000

9. Grab card sram save data from N64 game card to file.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -g -fsave.dat -sa8000000 -l8000

10. Transfer sram save data file to N64 game card.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -t -fsave.dat -sa8000000

11. Dump CONTROLLER PAK from N64 to file.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -d -fsave.dat -s80300000 -l8000

12. download pak save file to N64 CONTROLLER PAK.
C:\N64>CD64COMM -p378 -b -fsave.dat -s80300000

* C:\n64>cd64comm
* CD64 Up/Download utility Ver2.10
*Usage: CD64COMM -P<port> -T -X -G -D -B -F<fname> -S<start> -L<length>
*Example: CD64COMM -x -fTEST.BIN -sb4000000
* CD64COMM -p300 -t -fTEST.BIN -sb4000000
* CD64COMM -g -fTEST.BIN -sb2000000 -l800000
* CD64COMM -p378 -x -fTEST.BIN -sb4000000
* CD64COMM -d -fTEST.BIN -s80000400 -l100000
* CD64COMM -b -fTEST.BIN -s80300000
* -P pc Port address 300, 310-default, 320, 330, 378-ECP PRINTER PORT
* -T Transfer a block of data to CD64 any dram address, but don't do
* anything with it or Transfer sram save data to N64 game card
* -X eXecute code after download to b4000000-default by CD64
* -G Grab game from CD64 to file or Grab sram save data from game card
* -D Dump system memory or CONTROLLER PAK from N64 to file
* -B download BOOT EMULATOR to N64 and play uncracked game in CD64
* or pak save file to N64 CONTROLLER PAK
* -F Filename of binary image to download/upload
* -S Start address b2000000=card start, b4000000=dram start,
* 80000000=N64 system memory start (total 32Mb),
* 80300000=boot emulator start (max. 4Mb),
* or CONTROLLER PAK buffer (max. 512Kb)
* a8000000=card sram start (max. 256Kb)
* -L Length of grab or dump 400000=32Mb, 800000=64Mb, 1000000=128Mb,
* 1800000=192Mb, 2000000=256Mb
*All value are hex

Trouble Shooting:

a. Failed to communicate.

1. Check the comms board's IO port setting is the same as set in the software.
By default the IO port is set to 310 on the board and in the software.
Check the boards setting by examining its jumper settings (see the IO port
table in the Trouble Shooting section). Check the software setting as you
typed at the CD64COMM.EXE program command line.

2. The IO port used by the Comms board may be conflicting with another device
or card in you system. By default the setting is IO port 310. You can check
this simply by changing the IO port setting on the card and software.

- NOTE: You must change both the cards and the software's settings and they
must be the same.

3. If using Parallel Port Adaptor, the PC PRINTER PORT should be ECP MODE PRINTER
PORT and PORT 1 (LPT1). And the port address setting should be -p378.

b. Check the IO port setting as following.

The plastic jumpers can be found in the middle of the comms board. Jumper
1 is the jumper closest to the parallel cable connector (the left jumper
if you hold the board so the edge connector strip is at the top, parallel
connector to the left).

Jumper 1 Jumper 2 IO Port

Closed (Pins Covered) Closed (Pins Covered) 300

Closed (Pins Covered) Open (Pins Unconnected) 310 (default)

Open (Pins Unconnected) Closed (Pins Covered) 320

Open (Pins Unconnected) Open (Pins Unconnected) 330