Doctor V64 BIOS FAQ


We would like to notify Doctor V64 owners not to downgrade their Doctor V64 Flash ROM to older versions of BIOS. Downgrading back to old BIOS might cause a corruption to the Flash ROM and thus making the Doctor V64 inoperable or unable to upgrade back to newer versions. We suggest users with this problem not to return their Doctor V64 to us but does the following.

1. If your BIOS is not able to upgrade but there is screen on the TV, burn a CD-R with only the new BIOS in it and load into the Doctor V64. For BIOS 1.52 and before, hold the 'CH' button before pressing the 'Play' button and follow the instruction on the screen. For BIOS 1.53 and after, just load the new BIOS file and follow the instructions on screen. If BIOS has been downgraded to version below 1.70, use 'tpc.exe' and not 'tpc2.exe' to communicate with Doctor V64. Some computers will not be able to communicate with 'tpc.exe' and BIOS version below 1.70. Therefore, users have to use CD to upgrade.

2. If there is no image on the screen after an older version of BIOS has been downloaded to the Flash ROM, the Flash ROM is corrupted. We suggest user not to return the Doctor V64 as the shipment cost will be more expensive then just buying a Flash ROM from us. We charge US$10 for a Flash ROM and the price includes shipping worldwide. Replacing the Flash ROM only applies to user who has blank screen due to a corrupted Flash ROM after they have upgraded or downgraded the BIOS. If the Doctor V64 is not showing any image and user has not upgraded or downgraded their BIOS, it is due to other reasons.

We stronger suggest users not to downgrade their BIOS to older versions as many users have problems after.

If you want to purchase a FlashROM from us to replace your corrupted FlashROM, please fill up our repair order form.

mail@bung.com.hk For general sales enquiries, service enquiries and shipment enquiries. Payment enquiries should also be sent to this address. Basic technical troubleshooting questions are to be sent to this address please


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