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DB2 for Linux DB2 Data Management Software

Double the performance at half the price of Oracle

The DB2 advantage is simple: pure power at a lower cost than any other e-business-ready Linux database on the market. With DB2, you can access, manage and analyze all forms of information across the enterprise--and on all major platforms. Windows®. UNIX®. Linux. With Linux becoming a major platform for database and application servers, DB2 for Linux gives you a robust, easy-to-manage database that offers high performance, complementing the stability and reliability of Linux--all ingredients for e-business success.

DB2 for Linux is Ready

The freedom of Linux. The power of DB2. Bring them together, and you've got a flexible, scalable database solution that lets you get more done, faster than ever before. DB2 lets you build and manage applications of any size, with enterprise-class availability and reliability. Optimized for Web applications, it handles multimedia as well as conventional data - at a low cost.

Read our customer quotes and case studies of IBM customers using DB2 for Linux and IBM's strong, ongoing commitment to Linux

DB2 for Linux is:
  • Flexible — DB2 implements open standards such as SQL and XML and runs on Linux from handhelds to clusters to mainframes
  • Reliable — DB2 for Linux is based on its proven reliability running on Unix and Windows
  • Cost Effective — Pure power at a lower cost than any other e-business-ready Linux database on the market.

Migration Support for DB2 for Linux

Find resources on how to switch from Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server and others. DB2 leads the industry in reuse and synergy of existing IT assets, removing inhibitors on scalability, information management, and data access across current, legacy and emerging pervasive platforms. Switch to DB2 Migrate Now!

Distributions Currently Supported

For a listing of Linux supported distributions and other products that are ready for DB2, visit the DB2 for Linux Validation page.

Highlighted Tool Vendors

There are a number of third-party vendors that can help you:

Get your DB2 applications up and running quickly
Ease the burden of application maintenance and fine-tuning
Bolster the availability of your DB2 applications on Linux.
...and more

Find out more.

Broad Platform Support

DB2 has the widest support for Linux platforms in the industry. To find out more, please visit the System Requirements page.

Speed-Start Your Linux App

Build your next application on Linux--and help yourself to trial IBM middleware and tools for Linux, as well as all the training and tech support you need at no cost!

Build your next DB2 for Linux apps using WebSphere Studio and DB2 for Linux or with Borland's Kylix.

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DB2 UDB on Linux and SAP Standard Application Benchmarks
DB2 is easier to use, more cost-effective and scaleable than Oracle. Come find out more.
DB2 Whitepapers
Redbook: Up and Running with DB2 for Linux
DB2 Information Management Developer Domain

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