Things you may want to consider....
1. You get a much better framerate on games that used to be slow, while games that ran fine before are  unaffected.
2. Since you MUST use an N64 that has the transparent colored plastic, it looks great when you mod it. You can trick it out with LEDs or different methods of cooling.
3. Its impressive!

1. The mod is tricky to perform, and a screw-up only leads to a dead N64. DO NOT  perform this mod unless you have a steady hand!!
2. The colored models are hard to find, and the black models have older motherboard  revisions in them, which makes them unstable. You have to find a colored model! Using a   black model will work, but they tend to freeze anywhere from 15-45 minutes into gameplay.
3. Expansion Pak can get a little toasty ;-)