Overall, this is a mod I recommend, since you probably aren't using your Genesis for anything else anyways ;). There are many speeds to overclock to, but this is the only speed that the board can handle without using an external clock source. Deven says that there are no issues @ 10, 12, or 16 MHz. I'll try out the 16 MHz O/C and post the results.
Click here for a video of my Genesis playing "Hard Drivin'".  The framerate in the video is the framerate of the actual game!! It is not due to a crappy capture card!
Zipped 1.8 MB
Once again, if you do not have a steady hand, DO NOT perform this mod! A screw up will most likely lead to a dead Genesis. Deven Gallo, Epic Gaming, Robert Ivy, or UCM are not responsible for damages! We are providing the information, you do what you will with it.