Ever been visiting another country and stumbling across some very cheap N64 games which you
unfortunately couldn't use with your N64 when you brought them back home? Well this is caused
by a country lockout system located in the cartridges, a system Nintendo invented to
stop cheap game imports. Fortunately companies such as UFO/Blaze exist, and they've invented an adaptor for the Nintendo64 which will let you use any Nintendo cartridge on any N64, simply by tricking the N64 into thinking the cartridge' "country code" is the one the system knows and accepts. The adaptor is shaped exactly as the Blaze X-Plorer (which is something similar to the GameShark/ActionReplay). You need to plug a cartridge from your area into the back of the adaptor and then put the cartridge from outside your area (like japan) on top of the adaptor.
The menu can be accessed by pressing and holding a small button before the N64 is powered. If the button isn't pressed the game will just start if it can be automaticly detected, else you'll be taken to the the menu where an error message will occour as well as an idea to what might solve the problem. However the adaptor cannot convert video modes, which means that you'll still have problems running NTSC games on a PAL TV and vice versa. To be able to play the games you need a TV which is compatible with both the NTSC and PAL signal. The adaptor will also work with your favourite game copier, like the Doctor V64 (heh), so you'll nolonger have to use Paladin to fix the country code check before you're able to play the latest N64 game. Now if only Blaze had included some sort of game cheat option, this would have been the ultimate "must have" for any N64 owner, still its pretty nice to have since some games like Harvest Moon 64, Star Soldier 64 wasn't released in Europe, or a game like Taz Express which wasnt released in the US, or even the many many Japanese games which never reached the western world. A funny thing the small cardboard manual mentions it, that if you plug the japanese version of Zelda into the adaptor and change the bootcode to the American (US) one, the text in the game should become english aswell, I havent been able to check if this actually is true though, but pretty cool if it is. The adaptor can be bought from Game Choice Club who kindly let us review it. Be sure to check out all their other great items aswell! :)