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             (      _/______/\
          __ _\     \   _  /  \
         (_//______/_)  \______)
.-----------------(_____ /---------------.
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:    KNOCKOUT KINGS 2000 - EA SPORTS     :
:            PAL/V64/128MBIT             :
:                                        :

WELL WELL WELL..Three holes in the ground.
Its been  such a long time between  drinks 
thanks  to  the boys over at NIL  who have 
exercised their kraut power  by dominating 
the European PAL region  lately,   leaving 
everyone  nothing  but the  fish that John
West  rejects. This  stinkers no exception 
believe me. 

And to end this extremely unfunny nfo,  an
equally hilarious Rugby joke !

"What is the difference between the NZ All
Blacks and a Teabag ?

A Teabag stays in the Cup longer :p  LOL!!

Anyway  this release  is dedicated  to the
World Rugby Champs "The Wallabys"!!


Icarus, Rico, Fredro, Saska, Wildfire, Rza
Titanik, Fredro, Netfucker, Actraiser, Nil
Swasti, Hico, Bazooka, Redbox, Ninja,  Ego

CZN, PDX,  Accession, Old School, CPL, NIL
MNC, Eurasia, NBC