       ______ |   \      _____     _____.    ____      ____    _____
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  [.proudly presents...]
       title   - Supercross 2000                supplier - Stumble            
       company - Electronic Arts                system   - Nintendo 64        
       country - USA                            size     - 64mbit             
       date    - 12/3/99                        copier   - V64                   
:_[.release notes]___________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
		* Authentic	EA Sports Supercross Series Action
		* 24 top Supercross & freestyle riders
		* Handle-bar-to-handlebar racing
		* 16 real statium tracks develop grooves & ruts as the race
		* Realistic motorcycle handling in Pro mode or easier control
		  in Beginner mode
		* Multiple ModeS: Quick Race, Single Race, Season, & Freestyle 
		* TV-style replays including exclusive StuntCam PIP video
		* 2-player split-screen gameplay
		* TV Commentary featuring Art Eckman of ESPN
		* Hi-Res Graphics mode

:_[.greets]__________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/ 
               imid, ennay, fazwonga, cqbs, hudson hawk, loaded, rotox,      
               waynekerr, saska, poyz, ego, rudra, sixpac, netfucker, rico,
               unit, mtx, nil, cyryx, redbox, fusel64, flower, att64, ninja,        
               speedevil, nup, swasti, thallium, fallen angel, scrotey,
               and all our friends.
               Aggression, Capital, Eurasia, High Society, INC, NBC, NIL,
               Oldskool, Paradox, Quasar.
:_[.sites]___________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               DS [WHQ] / PL [EHQ] / TLP [USHQ] / PH [EHQ] / A [USHQ]
:_[.members]_________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               afx, deceiver, metal_hed, O^FrEEzE, Opoth, Pikachu, Port,
               Rza, Stumble
:_[.contact]_________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               Interested in coding or supplying for Menace? Find us on
               EFNET #mnc or drop us an e-mail at mnc99@excite.com