       ______ |   \      _____     _____.    ____      ____    _____
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    \\\______||       \_________//______\_____\_____/_______/_________/
  [.proudly presents...]
       title   - Mario Party 2                  supplier - O^FrEEzE           
       company - Hudson/Nintendo                system   - Nintendo 64        
       country - JAP                            size     - 256 mbit           
       date    - 12/19/99                       copier   - Z64                   
:_[.release notes]___________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               Mario Party 2 blends board-game mechanics with a variety of 
	       different mini-games, 64 in total. The world created by the
               combined strengths of Mario and friends (in Mario Party)
               Mario Land sets the stage for the sequel. After Bowser 
               invades the region, everyone... namely Mario, Luigi, Peach, 
               Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario are desperate to get rid of him.
               The game features 6 boards and also a Quest Mode for
               single players. Enjoy this release a month before the US
               version is out.
:_[.greets]__________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/ 
               imid, ennay, fazwonga, cqbs, hudson hawk, loaded, rotox,      
               waynekerr, saska, poyz, ego, rudra, sixpac, netfucker, rico,
               unit, mtx, nil, cyryx, redbox, fusel64, flower, att64, ninja,        
               speedevil, nup, swasti, thallium, fallen angel, scrotey,
               jb0395, and all our friends.
               Aggression, Capital, Eurasia, High Society, NIL, Oldskool,
               Paradox, Quasar.           
:_[.sites]___________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               DS [WHQ] / PL [EHQ] / TLP [USHQ] / PH [EHQ] / A [USHQ]
:_[.members]_________________________________________________________ _\/___
|             ________________________________________________________\/\  //
l____________/                                                           \/
               afx, deceiver, metal_hed, O^FrEEzE, Opoth, Pikachu, Port,
               Rza, Stumble
:_[.contact]_________________________________________________________ _\/___
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l____________/                                                           \/
               Interested in coding or supplying for Menace? Find us on
               EFNET #mnc or drop us an e-mail at mnc99@excite.com