________ ____ __  ________ _______  _______  ___. _______
  /   - __//    |  |/   ____//   __  |/___  --|/   |/   __  |
  \_______/\_______|\___|    \___\___|\_______|\___|\___\___|
  .--------------------------------------------- ---  --   -  -   -
  |   released: Mario Kart 64 v1.1       on 5 Dec 1999
  |       company  -  Nintendo
  |          size  -  96 MBits
  |        system  -  N64
  |       country  -  Japanese
  |        copier  -  Doctor V64 Jr. 512M
  |      supplier  -  team eurasia
  }-------------------------------------------- --- -- -  -    -
  |   release notes:
  |                 Here is the 1.1 update of Mario Kart 64 Jap :)
  |                 It was not possible to make a IPS, since the
  |                 whole file is different from 1.0
  }---------------------------------------- --- -- -  -    -     -
  |   call our sites:
  |--------------.-------.------------.---------- -- - -  -
  |   ftp sites  | speed |   status   | sysop
  }--------------+-------+------------+---------- - -- -
  |       ULTRA  |  DS3  |   WORLD HQ |  ??
  |----------------------'------------'---------- - -- - -
  |   contact us at: eurasia!@usa.net
  }-----------------------------------------  ---  --  -    -   -
  |   eurasia - for pleasure, not pressure.

