Quite a few lights for the GBA already, but which one is the right one to pick, that's the differences, pros and cons, well thanks to LikSang and Goldenshop (A.I. Trading) I am able to review some of these GBA lights and give you my oppinion of which to pick and avoid. There are a lot more light than those on this page and none here, yet, are licensed ones. However I will ofcourse update the page when something new is released or I simply get my hands on some of the missing ones.


· Scan of the back
· Scan of the light

Producer SAM Group
Model Number SAM-ABDLP
Price US$4
Sold by www.goldenshop.com.hk
Score Bad

Looks pretty much like any other worm light out there, but this one has the advantage of allowing a link cable to be connected along with the light. however the plug on the Dragon Light which goes into the GBA is so badly made that it's impossible to actually get the light working at all, once you get it working don't shake the GBA or it will be out again. The light is yellow, which is ok, but is so weak that you really shouldn't bother at all.

My advise is to keep the money in your pocket if you were thinking of buying this one, the idea of being able to connect the link cable along with the light is very cool though.

Oh and the back of the box clearly states that this light is not for children under the age of 12, excuse me but have you ever seen an 8 year old eat a worm light?


· Scan of the back
· Scan of the light

Producer Unknown
Model Number CMB-014
Price US$6.99
Sold by www.liksang.com
Score Average

Light and magnifier in one. This light doesn't take advantage of the ext. port on the GBA, but sits on top of the GBA and is powered by it's own two AAA batteries, be careful when inserting these or you will break the battery lid or the connectors if the batteries aren't inserted the right way, front of the battery inserted first(!).

To be able to use the light the lid with the lights has to sit in the vertical position, as it can be lowered when the light is not in use, a switch is used to power the light on and off. The unit also includes a magnifier, which is some what ok, but you easily get a reflection of the light if it's used.

The unit being powered by it's own set of batteries can be good or bad, you need to sets of batteries, AA's for the GBA and AAA's for the light, but then you don't have to worry about the light eating your GBA batteries, and ending your game sooner than you expected. Once the Light Boy is attached to the GBA it's quite hard to remove, you actually have to use a screwdriver, or knife, and by doing that you might end up destroying the clip holding the light to the GBA.

The lighting is average, should be able to do it a lot better than this when it has it's own battery source I think, but still one of the best lights I've seen around. The magnifying is awful though and the plastic is extremely reflective, the top of the unit, where the batteries are located gives an annoying black shadow on the screen when the light isn't in use.

Well an ok unit, definately with pros and cons, most tend to be on the bad side though.


· Scan of the back
· Scan of the light

Producer Project Design
Model Number -
Price US$6.00
Sold by www.goldenshop.com.hk
Score Good

One of the lights I was looking forward to checking out, and the expectations were high, too high maybe. the light makes use of the batteries installed in your GBA already, however if you only wish to use the magnifier included aswell, a switch is included to turn off the ligh, very cool indeed. the magnifying is quite alright and gives a clear picture and the light is quite sharp and covers about 98% of the screen, if it's used when the magnifying it at the highest position, position 4, if it isn't the light is no good at all.

An excellent light, but there's a downside to everything I guess, including this light. It is quite easy to break the magnifying lense off, and then the lights aswell. The 4 "stages" of magnifying are made of very thin plastic plates which seems like they could break any second when you move the light and magnifier up or down.

Anyway I would recommend this light, just be careful or it will most likely break.


· Scan of the back
· Scan of the light

Producer Madcow
Model Number BGA-8082
Price US$9.00
Sold by www.liksang.com
Score Bad

First GBA light I ever got my hands on, but sure didn't do the job well at all, no need to hide it any longer. The light is blue and very not really lighting a lot of the screen at all. I tested it on the GBC aswell, and it sure wasn't any better on that unit.

I did manage to get it covering a good deal of the screen, but then the lamp was in the way and the blue light simply didn't light up the screen good enough, everything was too dark, which would make Castlevania impossible to play.


· Scan of the back
· Scan of the light

Producer Blaze
Model Number n/a
Price n/a
Sold by www.sinfatech.com
Score Bad

Another ripoff of the original, licensed, light add-on only available in Asia. This one is manufactured by the Success Company (Blaze) and is a combined screen magnifier, light and so-called "advancement" of the buttons. The advancement is ok and gives an ok feeling, but you seem to loose control over the GBA when the D-pad advancement falls off every five seconds.

Besides that the unit seems to be badly made, unfortunately, the light, which requires 2 AAA batteries, didn't work in my unit, oh and have you ever heard of the famous rechargable Blaze battery which had no spot to insert the powersupply into? anyway I hope mine was just a bad sample :)

Well after a little bit of disassembling the thing I discovered that one of the batteries was unable to reach the connectors which caused the light to malfunction, meaning not work. I found that if I didn't press the battery all the way down I was able to make contact, so I folded a small piece of paper and placed it underneath the battery, but this means that the battery lid wont fit anymore.

The magnifier is extremely reflective and after cleaning the screen just once, it was all scratched. So I decided to remove the magnifying part, which can be done but loosing the tabs on each side, be careful not to break them incase you change your mind.

The light is extremely bright, best I've seen sofar, but unfortunately the bad "advanced" buttons and the reflective and easily scratchable magnifier brings the unit down to the bad part of the lot of GBA lights. However if Blaze made another version, just a light, I'm sure they'd have a true winner.