:                                                               :
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       | eNf   /           \|       _______/____|       ______/____.   |
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   .------ -               Follow The Leader                       - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   |     Proudly Presents:                                                 |
   |                                                                       |
   |                 Game: Chopper Attack                                  |
   |                  (C): Midway / Seta                                   |
   |              Country: USA - NTSC                                      |
   |               Format: V64 - 64mbs                                     |
   |             Supplier: Tomax & Xamot                                   |
   |                 Date: June 17th 1998                                  |
   `------ -                                                       - ------'
       |    ------------------------------------------------------     |
   .------ -                                                       - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   |     Comments:                                                         |
   |                                                                       |
   |   - AGS's mighty twins of mayhem bring you the US version of Wild     |
   |           Choppers. Midway has made some efforts to improve this      |
   |           title, better control and gameplay.                         |
   |                                                                       |
   |   - During the packaging of this release, it seems a CRC error        |
   |     popped up when copying the .v64 file from computer to another,    |
   |     so here is the fix. Just use IPS to apply.                        |
   |                                                                       |
   |   - Everyone seems to want to be apart of AGS, if you really are      |
   |     up to the task, you know who to contact.                          |
   |                                                                       |
   |   - Another fine month for the group as we head into summer, you      |
   |     can expect things to slow down, vacations are in order. We were   |
   |     going to let this game slip by and let someone else do it, but    |
   |     seeing as no one has, here it is. Now back to our vacation.       |
   |                                                                       |
   `------ -                                                       - ------'
       |     ------------------------------------------------------    |
   .------ -                                                       - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   |     Group Greetings:                                                  |
   |                                                                       |
   |       Phantasm, PONG, UCCI, Thunderloop, High Society, Magical,       |
   |       Fairlight, Quartex, Baseline, Anthrox, Crystal, Defjam, TNG,    |
   |       Parsec, Premiere, Censor, FUCK, Paradox, Lynch Mob, Hybrid,     |
   |       Romkids, Skid Row, Capital, TRSI, Illusion, Sneakers, Elite,    |
   |       Reaction, Scoopex, Napalm, Quasar, Rush, Magic, Villalux,       |
   |       SWAT, Asgard, Arcadia, Hitsqaud, Eurasia & Lightforce.          |
   |                                                                       |
   `------ -            _____/\ .___________ :_________            - ------'
       |          eNf  /       \|    _____/__|    ____/__.             |
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    .----- -                 \/              |                     - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   |     AGS Members:   Baroness, Han Solo, Romstar, Shadow Trooper,       |
   |                    Superstar, Tomax & Xamot.                          |
   `------ -                                                       - ------'
       |     -----------------------------------------------------     |
   .------ -                                                       - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   |     Release History:                                                  |
   |                                                                       |
   |     November 97    San Fransisco             (C) Midway      96-USA   |
   |                    Duke Nuke'em 64           (C) GT          64-USA   |
   |                    Wheel of Fortune          (C) Gametek     64-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |     December 97    Bomberman 64              (C) Hudson      64-USA   |
   |                    Wayne Gretzky's 98        (C) Midway      64-USA   |
   |                    MK Mythologies            (C) Midway     128-USA   |
   |                    Chamleon Twist            (C) Sunsoft     96-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |     Janruary 98    Fighters Destiny          (C) Ocean       96-USA   |
   |                    Nagano Wintger Olympics   (C) Konami      96-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |     February 98    NBA In The Zone  98       (C) Konami      96-USA   |
   |                    Olympic Hockey 98         (C) Midway      64-USA   |
   |                    Jeopardy                  (C) Gametek     64-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |        March 98    Snowboard Kids            (C) Atlus       64-USA   |
   |                    Quake 64                  (C) Midway      96-USA   |
   |                    Rampage World Tour        (C) Midway      96-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |        April 98    NBA Courtside             (C) Nintendo    96-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |          May 98    Aerogauge                 (C) Ascii       64-USA   |
   |                    World Cup 98              (C) EA Sports   96-USA   |
   |                    Bust A Move 2             (C) Acclaim     64-USA   |
   |                    Forsaken 64               (C) Acclaim     64-USA   |
   |                    Ken Griffey Jr Baseball   (C) Nintendo   128-USA   |
   |                    Allstar Baseball 99       (C) Acclaim     96-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   |         June 98    Quest 64                  (C) THQ        128-USA   |
   |                    Wetrix                    (C) Ocean       64-USA   |
   |                    Virtual Chess 64          (C) Titus       64-USA   |
   |                    Mike Piazza StrikeZone    (C) GT          96-USA   |
   |                    Chopper Attack            (C) Midway      64-USA   |
   |                                                                       |
   `------ -                                                       - ------'
       |     -----------------------------------------------------     |
   .------ -                                                       - ------.
   |                                                                       |
   | "The World is Watching - Attitude - The Icons & Pioneers" (C) AGS '98 |
   |                                                                       |
       :                                                               :