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King Conker
Get ready for a bad fur day!
Does that mean... P A R T E A ??!
Too much pizza, or something
Go wash that puke off your shoe now
What I wouldn't do for a beer!
P r e s s .... B
B I G... erm big key!
No, he's talking about gothic architecture
And a large one it is..
Got milk?
I'm interested!!
Ze .... bra?
I have no clue really...
The name is conker!
Put that Gameboy away and get back to work!
Look at them big 'uns
Come get some! erh... take a hike Duke
Mr. Squirrel please
Haven't I heard this before somewhere? hmmm odd
Get out of my way damn rat!
Mouse with a bad stomach?
Toxic burps? aww...
Someone slip a wind?
HAHAHAHAHA!!! It speaks for itself! :)