64SCENER Administrator
Posts: 71
Choro Q Advance (jpn) - Eurasia
« on: June 27th, 2001, 1:01am » |
_________ _________ _________ _________ ________ ______ _______ _/ ___/_/ / /_/ ___ \ _/ _ // ___/_ _/ /_/ _ \ /. ___//. / //. \ __//. /_\___ . //. //. / \________//_________//______\ \/______/__//_________//______//______/__/ ---------------------------- \____\ --------------------------------------->
proudly presents ------------------- -- --- -- - - ---------------------------------------->
Game......: Choro Q Advance
Released..: June 27th, 2001 - System.....: Game Boy Advance (GBA) Origin....: Japan - Genre......: Racing! Company...: Takara Co. - Size.......: 32 Mega Bit Filename..: EUR-CHOQ.ZIP - Players....: 4 Player Link
Web Site..:
release notes ---------------- -- --- -- - - ------------------------------------------->
Check out the application section below if you think you can contribute to our group. We are also searching for a fast west coast affiliation, if you can help, let us know.
Here we go again with another excellent racing title that could rival Krazy Racers or even Mario Kart. It has all the features of an excellent racer, from customization, to options, to great playability. Enjoy this excellent racer two days prior to Japanese retail!
* Over 50 courses to race on, with the ability to design your own.
* At least 50 different bodies and 120 custom parts provide you with many options to choose from.
* Cable communication provides for head-to-head action that will surely leave you amazed by the Choro Q advantage!
Also, check out our other release of the day:
Yushun Rhapsody GBA/JPN/64M
application info ------------------- -- --- -- - - ---------------------------------------->
Interested in being a part of Eurasia? We are currently looking for people to be a part of our team. We have a strong belief in group friendship and we make an effort to ensure that all members get exceptional benefits. If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us for membership information:
- Suppliers of unreleased console games around the world. One must be able to contribute to one of the platforms we are known to release. Note: DC suppliers must already have knowledge prior to applying.
- A skilled PC coder who can create various apps for our needs. Most importantly, we need someone motivated and who wants to put their skills to the test.
- A coder with strong knowledge of Dreamcast, Playstation, or Playstation 2 who can crack or code tools that will shorten the time it takes us to release.
- A siteop who admins a good west coast USA site or a Europe site. We are currently looking for good site affiliations that know what mutual respect is about.
If you fit into any of these categories, please contact us through IRC, on EFNet #EURASIA
our sites ------------ -- --- -- - - ----------------------------------------------->
- - -- ------------------.---------.------------------- -- - - ftp sites | speed | status - - -- - ------------------+---------+------------------- - -- - - TP | 4xOC48 | World HQ G* | 155Mbit | USA HQ RM | 100Mbit | Release HQ - - -- ------------------'---------`------------------- -- - -
contact us: efnet #eurasia
greets --------- -- --- -- - - -------------------------------------------------->
Capital, Crazy Nation, Dual Crew Shining, Echelon, High-Society, Kalisto, LightForce, Moonshine, Nil, Nightfall, Oldskool, Paradox, Quasar, Resistance, & Static.
-- --- -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------> EURASIA 2001 - FOR PLEASURE, NOT PRESSURE