Topic Summary
Posted by: RaVeK |
Posted on: August 27th, 2001, 10:47pm |
So, I've got it - it's great but I found this problem...
Once I wanted to show Castlevania to my friend. When I turned on the GBA the save files were gone!
"WTF " I said - I havn't delete them, have I. I was really pissed off since I was almost at the end.
Anyway I thought that it must be something with the card. I chcecked the other games I had uploaded at that time (was F-Zero and Mario Adv.) and the saves were OK.
Castlevania was first on the card.
I didn't know what happend utnl yesterday... when the history repeated itsef. (However tought by the expierience I backuped my savegames regullary). 
I was speking on the phone, and playing (castlevania) I wanted to turn the sound off, but since I had only my left hand available I decided to switch the GBA off.
So I did, and the moment I switched it off I turned it back on. What! Where are the saves!
So there U go - I repeated the test - written the save back on GBA, and yes - now I was sure.
When you turn on and off the GBA fast the savegames are gone... Don't know why only the first block? Maybe it depends on the current played game. I tried it only while playing Castlevania.
Well, if you got any comments or question plaese let me know.
Posted by: Cap N |
Posted on: August 31st, 2001, 12:45am |
Hmm that is odd. My old version of the FlashAdvance Cart doesnt do that, but my GB-PC linker sure does! The weird thing is the PC linker only does it on some games. (older games mostly, but a few newer)
Mebbe Nintendo spikes the power on purpose? I dunno.
Posted by: RaVeK |
Posted on: August 31st, 2001, 12:55pm |
now this one is really wierd
IT HAPPENS ALSO to some ppl with original CALSTEVANIA
the Q is: - is the emulation that good  - or is it the question of normal flash ram behavior (voltage jump - memory deletes)
- what's more intriguing that only the 1st block (at least when Castlevania is on the 1st) disappears
Posted by: MaVeRiCK [FA Team] |
Posted on: September 16th, 2001, 7:50am |
The problem you have is that Castlevania is trying to save the game onto the wrong part of the cartridge. This is common with games being played the FA 128/64 cartridges and to solve it you will need to download a program which can re-address the save memory. The main one we recommend is called GBAutil and can be found here To avoid any further problems make sure that you apply Trim FF/Crash Patch 0/SRAM patch to all of the roms you plan to upload. I hope this helps prevent/solve any further problems,
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